Christians need to know what we believe. The apostle Peter exhorts his readers always to be "prepared to make a defense" (1 Peter 3:15) to those who may question our faith. If we wish to speak clearly about what we believe, we must heed Peter's exhortation.
Confessing the Faith presents the great doctrines of the Christian faith. We have sought to be true to the Holy Scriptures and the essential teachings of the Church from the apostles down to the present day, framed as they have been generally received and communicated within the Anglican tradition. This book is offered in the hope that you will be strengthened in your faith in God and able, when called upon, to confess your faith by giving a reasoned answer for the hope by which you live.
This book is a part of the Foundations for Christian Ministry (FCM) series. FCM is designed to train lay people for Christian life and ministry, and can be undertaken as a church-based, small-group, or individual study. The purpose of FCM is to encourage and strengthen Christian formation, discipleship and witness for all members of Christ's body through study that is biblically sound and theologically orthodox.
About the Authors:
Ray Smith was the Director of Extension Ministries at Trinity School for Ministry from 1986 to 1990 when he returned to Australia to be the Archdeacon of South Canberra. He was later consecrated as a bishop and served as the Bishop of Georges River and Assistant Bishop in the Anglican Diocese of Sydney.
John Rodgers was the second Dean/President of Trinity School for Ministry as well as a beloved professor of Systematic Theology. Following his retirement from Trinity, he was consecrated as one of the first two Bishops in the Anglican Mission in America.